Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Rules for Badonkadonks!

Rules for Completion

The competition starts November 30th and goes through March 26th! Please have money to me November 29th. There will be a one week break for the holidays December 20-27.

1. 5 points for ½ hour of exercise. Can be walking, running or any type that gets your heart rate up. You MUST be in your target heart rate to be able to count it towards your points. You can earn 20 points per week total! So that is 4 hours of exercise. You can only round up if you have less than 5 minutes to go! Also you may count Yoga twice per week!

2. 1 point for every 8 oz. This needs to be water not pop or juices. You can earn up to 8 points per day.

3. 1 point for every servings of Fruits and Vegetables. At least two of your servings need to be a vegetable. You may earn up to 6 points a day.

Also your vegetables do not have to vary at all. You can eat bananas and broccoli the whole time if you would like you can also count salsa!

4. Extra Credit: Pick prior to the start of the competition one of the following things you would like to challenge yourself with. Each week that you complete your challenge in full you earn up to 5 extra points per week. After 8 weeks you may change to something else to complete the competition.
• No Pop.
• Adding 2 days of resistance training per week.
• Keep track of your food in a food journal or
• A 1500 calorie diet.
• Restrict your sugar to one dessert a week.
• Stop eating anything after 7:30pm that excludes water!
• A challenge of your choice-you just have to tell me prior to the competition starting.
5. This time around we are going to get minus points for everything bad we put in our mouth! So if you are having dinner and you choose to have sour cream on your baked potato…it will cost you 1 point. This will encourage us all to make those necessary changes we need to make to be healthier. It won’t cost you a point if you use no fat version of the same item. I am not going to count pop I this…I should but both diet pop and regular pop are not good for you! Here are some examples of exchanges.
Cheese-(lower fat cheese-usually a white cheese)
Sour cream-fat free
Salad dressings- nlow fat
Chips-baked lays
Any deserts will be minus 2 points…unless it is on your day off. Now pick some kind of alternative to keep you sugar free pudding, or jello…

6. You are allowed one week off!! So if you are planning a vacation or you have a horrible week…you can opt to make that your week off…everyone will get to disregard one week!

7. Include 6 Days that you want to count per week. So your one day a week that you don’t count points does not have to be Sunday. However you can’t count exercise that is done on Sunday!

8. This time around I am not going to make a list of how everyone is doing. We will not know who is winning until the end of the competition and we will have a little party and announce it there! So don’t get discouraged and stick with it! You never know how everyone else is going to do!

9. Email me your results by the following Wednesday or you it will cost you 5 points !
10. Keep track of inches and weight lost each month. We only want to know how much you have lost…and you don’t have to tell us starting weight.

11. A Serving Size is the size of your fist!

12. Check out our blog once a week for weekly challenges that will earn you extra points-
13. Have fun!! We are here to support each other in being healthy.